Road-side repair course

although i am fairly familiar with most components of the TWIKE, i have always left repairs to thomas möckli from möckli elektrofahrzeuge in marthalen. he has been able to accommodate most of my special modification requests – be it a better distribution of breaking power between front and back wheels, or my bluetooth sound streaming to the TWIKE or everyday tasks such as changing the tyres > thomas makes it happen. since the announcement of TW560’s taking part at the WAVE in india on, the usual suspects related to TWIKE vehicles have been in touch and have offered their […]

Team Images for WAVE2011 India Website

We’re ready! just a few days ago, the indian organizers wanted an image with the team and vehicle. very difficult, if the vehicle in question is 800km away, tucked into a container! with the help of thomas möckli from elektrofahrzeuge möckli and an exceptionally beautiful friday afternoon, we were able to take some pictures and the image above is the one we chose for the international WAVE2011 site.     jean claude’s avatar         andrew’s avatar              

vienna > bremen > container

the WAVE meeting yesterday was interesting, but left me with just 7 hours to empty my suitcase and get ready for yet another flight – this time to the middle east: tel aviv. after 4 hours flight i arrive in tel aviv early afternoon and am greeted with 30°C and sunshine – a very welcome change to the cool autumn weather we’ve been having lately. everytime i travel to a country far away, i very quickly miss the freedom (…and attention) the TWIKE offers. this time it is different, however.  i’ll be without the TWIKE until end of november! on […]

meet the other wave teams

after a tearful good-bye from my TWIKE in vienna and an utterly uneventful flight to zurich late friday evening, i arrive at zurich airport where louisorganized a first team get-together (the date and venue were carefully engineered to match my schedule, since i would not be back to switzerland for the next 2 weeks. 5 teams showed up: team pasol solar / electric mobility veteran, has already taken part in WAVE2011 team twingo india veterans, having lived there, they know country and culture like no-one else and gave us a good idea what to expect team stoll greendestination’s first team […]

Vienna: Last Days with the TWIKE

vienna. i travel to this city about once every two weeks for a few days on business. about 5-6 times a year i stay for a week or so and then i usually take the twike to vienna or travel to other cities nearby such as bratislava or brno. getting to vienna by twike is quite comfortable and easy. from home, i drive to feldkirch, then take the night train to vienna and drive off the train at 0730 in the morning at the central vienna westbahnhof. like anywhere in the world – here in vienna – the TWIKE arouses […]

it’s a *yes*

i’ve spoken with my boss and although it’s the busiest 2 weeks during the year, he’s agreed to let me go on the WAVE2011 india! HURRAY!!! it’s not like i’m going to be on vacation, though. i’m going to be working and connected to the web via an indian data sim. thankfully, india is 4 1/2 hours ahead of switzerland and therefore i will be able to drive the morning stages of the WAVE2011 myself. during the lunch break and the afternoon, i will be using my laptop and the data connection to take care of anything going on back […]

TW560 may take part!!!

louis mailed me a moment ago and has confirmed to me that TW560 is invited as an official participant at the WAVE2011!!! so many things to take care of – insurance is one of them. louis will get in touch with me since my participation is dependant of 3rd party insurance coverage and we need to find someone to insure the TWIKE! furthermore, i’m still unsure if i am going to be able to take part at all, since i need approval from my manager to be able to leave switzerland during this period of high business volume! my plan […]

first steps – can i take part?

after a friendly email exchange the eligibility of TW560 was established… TW560 hat ein einmaliges feature – es lädt schneller, als es fährt… (TW560 has an unique feature – it charges at a higher speed than its v-max) louis then met with me in person – we knew eachother already: we had met 2009 during an event when he returned with his solartaxi – and we spoke about the challenges around the rally, namely that i would need to fight a very steep uphill battle to get an ok from my workplace to be away during the busiest 2 weeks […]

Wave India 2011 for TWIKE; how it all began…

WAVE2011, a rally for electric cars from paris to prague, a much noticed event – won by none other than the TWIKE IV was the start of all of this. louis palmer, organizer, launched a CFV (call for vehicles) for WAVE2011 in india 3 weeks ag the stringent technical pre-requisites attached to this special WAVE stage are hard to comply with. since no roadside assistance is available, only the most robust ev’s are taken into closer consideration. furthermore, sub-stages up to 160kms will test the range of most participating ev’s to the limit. i spoke with my wife about this […]