Not pushing any further yesterday and a good night’s sleep really did the trick – I’m really looking forward to both the drive today …and returning home. Weather-wise is promising to be a very nice day – blue skies all over central Europe. I wake up early, get some fresh orange juice and some fresh cornetti at the hotel’s bar and pack the TWIKE for the last time. The overnight charge was a full 8h @ 9A – this morning’s battery pack temperature at 35°C is proof that the batteries had to do some work during the night. Nothing extreme: […]
TDI2024 – Day 8 – Back to the oven
Getting up at 5 am after a long good-bye party organised by my friends was hard. I had already packed the day before and with a heavy heart I closed the door to the apartment ready for my long drive back home. As mentioned in my last entry, the drive today will be mostly on motorways and Superstradas in the morning since the forecast for today shows over 38°C in the pianura and I want to get as far as possible before potentially having to slow down due to potential overheating during my drive or quick charges. Packing is easy […]
TDI2024 – Day 3-7 – Digital Nomad in Umbria
Just a short entry on my stay – during the day I work normally, connecting to customers and co-workers via the Internet. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, however, is with friends as are activities during the weekend. Evenings in August are sultry, I spend time either at my friends homes or we go to restaurants. Food has always been a big part of my life. Italy delivers every time! One of the restaurants we went had this incredible view which matched the very good food we all shared. One evening we went to San Gemini to have some late evening drinks […]
TDI2024 – Day2 – Escaping the heat across the Apennine
After a good night’s sleep, I wake up bright and early to start my drive to Terni at 7 am. Since the hotel is closing for remodeling today, there is no breakfast available at the hotel. Hotel breakfasts typically aren’t what I go for … except for Italy where one can be sure to get a good coffee and some cornettos to go with it. Not getting breakfast isn’t a problem either, as there are bars everywhere. The day promises to be another scorcher. Not only do all my weather apps predict 35+°C but just being outside at 7am and […]
TDI2024 – Day 1 – Charging woes in Italy
It’s still nice and cool when I’m packing my TWIKE for its newest adventure. I’m really looking forward to my week in Italy. I haven’t been to Italy for 3 years now since TDI2021. Unlike last time, this trip will involve some long-distance-non-hypermiling travel and recharging en-route. As long-time readers of this blog know, I’ve been driving EV’s since way before public charging stations were a thing and have seen how sloppy IT implementation and ambiguous standardisation documents can make electric travel a real pain. Let’s see how things pan out today. Packing took me around 30 seconds – this […]