WAVE India Day9: Bangalore – Tumkur – Chickmagulur

today, we have a short and long stage. the first stage to tumkur technical college with only 70kms is going to be a breeze for us in the TWIKE. nevertheless, jc and i get up early and set off as the first team at about 7am. the road is beautiful and we settle into the european relaxing routine of driving and looking at the sights going by. we’re so much ahead of the schedule that we decide to leave the motorway and drive through tumkur > which turns out to be a brilliant idea – we find a monkey shrine […]

WAVE India Day8: Bangalore

today we can get up slightly later, since we – in theory – have a drive-free day. our first good news item for today: the red think car has finally cought up to us and can be shown at the press conference organized on the grounds of the IITB! it was a hero’s welcome for team interlaken! everyone on the team was happy to see them again! after the press conference, and thanks to paul schweizer, who is one of the engineers working for mahindra reva, we get to visit the brand new reva factory which will be producing up […]

WAVE India Day7: Hindupur – Bangalore

as always, we depart early. we’ve got about 110kms to go in order to get to bangalore. the bumpy road slows our progress, but this time we all stay together. slowly but surely we head towards bangalore, india’s software & IT business hub. about 40kms outside of the city the streets broaden out and the tarmac gets dramatically better. this is where our trusted liaison, mahinder, who was with us since hyderabad left us to head back. we press onwards and very quickly we hit the city with its traffic and pollution and speed bumps. as in every smaller community, […]

WAVE India Day6: Kurnool – Anandapur – Hindupur

yet again, we get up early (not bright &) and go to our vehicles. it seems that the cars were unplugged sometime early morning. luckily, the TWIKE, with its small battery was already done charging at that time and we were able to start out with a full charge. not so team twingo – they decide to leave anyway and charge somewhere en route.   since we’ve got to cover 156kms today, we need to conserve energy. our current overall weight is about double the car’s weight. our target consumption for this stage is 42Wh/km. the other cars zoom by […]

WAVE India Day5: Hyderabad – Kurnool

left early from hyderabad. instead of heading straight to the motorway, we first went to see an old fort – the detour definitely was worth it! another iconic picture for TWIKE in india! then, after days of backbreaking roads, we finally emerge on a perfect motorway! just for the fun of it, i accelerate to 98kph gps and – whoooooha – this does feel good! today i’ve got a different co-pilot for the first stage: we start munching up the kilometers. after an hour or so, we pull over to have some breakfast and chai’s.           […]

WAVE India Day4: Hyderabad

not much to say for today. theoretically a day off from the WAVE, however we’ve got a big press conference ready for us at the hyderabad air pollution control centre. the WAVE has been partly incorporated in some sort of carbon credit race… TWIKE and all drive there, jean-claude takes charge of all TWIKE-related press activities, whilst i stay at the room to work. with a decent up- and downlink via HSDPA / WiFi. work keeps piling up and i somehow only get back out of the room for a quick snack. finally, at about midnight, i’m able to turn […]

WAVE India Day3: Solapur – Humnabad – Hyderabad

Not much sleep for us tonight. we got to our hotel in solapur quite late and are set to leave at 5.30 am in order to make it to hyderabad by 5 pm > 335 kms away. this might not sound like much, but applied to indian roads – believe me – this is a lot! we get to see the sunrise over the dusty planes of rural india – a big red fireball rises. very impressive and not easily photographed.   navigation-wise we never really face any problems – either we’ve got our good friend google with us or – […]

Ask me anything!

so, you’ve seen the TWIKE somewhere in india? you are one of the students we visited? you have a question? ask me anything! …here! 🙂

WAVE India Day2: Pune – Baramati – Solapur

after a good night’s sleep we drive towards baramati. rolling hills welcome us to rural india.   roads vary between bad and very bad. since the TWIKE’s suspension is not necessarily designed to take the punishment, it’s our backs that take it instead! but who are we to complain? every 5 minutes or so, a car pulls up alongside us and wants us to stop, which we obviously cannot because otherwise we’d be averaging about 5km/h 🙂 instead, we answer questions on the go. after 120km we arrive at baramati and arrive at a local college. the turnout of students […]