a non-driving day. i empty the TWIKE and set out with Louis to buy some gifts and souvenirs for my loved ones.
then desaster strikes again: the TWIKE suddenly stops working (…again!)
we have to tow it back to the hotel and i start delving back into the TWIKE’s belly. what i see is horrible.

many cables have been damaged by rubbing against eachother or against some part of the chassis. furthermore, the source of the fault this time is another one of the same connectors which literally disintegrated due to vibrations.

fixing and insulating the exposed cables took me the better part of the morning – no buying of gifts for me. the afternoon and evening i spend working whilst the other WAVE team members head off to the beach for some dinner.
tomorrow we are to climb to 660m and head to belgaum and then to kholapur. we plan to leave at 0630am.
How did you tow that twike? Why not using the nose???
hi there, twikezora,
good point there. well, yes, there is indeed the possibility of dismantling the nose to access the tow-point. however, as you see, i set out to go shopping – i left the toolbox at the hotel 🙂
also, if you want to dismantle the nose, you need a special round-headed imbus tool which is not readily available in indian road-side repair shops.
i really like the fact that the TWIKE is light enough to be towed directly by holding on to a rope on both sides!