today we start out at 6.30 am. the guys at the hotel promise us again, that the road will be beautiful.
our next destination is the jawaharlal nehru national college of engineering in shimoga. but before we need to negotiate some 103kms of roads through the mountains down to a the plain on which shimoga is situated.
the road was pristine! small it might be but more than 90% was perfect tarmac, allowing us to complete our most efficient stage yet: 32Wh/km @ 45km/h! (granted, we decended some 400m of altitude, too)
the landscape was beautiful, too. early morning with low sun…
we arrive at the college and have our interaction with presents, press and all (the press took the picture this blog starts with).
then, since the TWIKE was charged within less than an hour, we’re off to the next college at the other side of shimoga to dedicate another hour to some other students. big turnout for an event that was organized at a very short notice!
we set out to reach honavar at the coast and were pleasantly surprised about the continued quality of the road. just before sundown we reached the jog falls, which are definitely worth a visit.
but then, for the last 30kms and another 450m decent towards the coast, we were in for a road that is a direct rival to the one up to chikmagluru! the TWIKE did not like it, nor did we! it took us ages to get down to the coast -> we arrived just before midnight, us tired and covered in dust and the TWIKE with worrysome new creaking coming from everywhere.