WAVE 2011 – press clippings

i know it’s been a while since WAVE 2011 in india, but i recently stumbled across a selection of news clippings which i thought would be interesting to anyone who had followed our blog in the past. interestingly, most clips feature the TWIKE with either me or jc… click the images for higher resolution versions. enjoy!

halfway through germany in one day

faster than expected the day has come to drive to rosenthal. i’m really looking forward to meeting the guys at fine mobile. some last minute changes to the route and a decision to add a quick 30 minute charge in wurmlingen and the usual preparations regarding my travel cabling kit. so, here i am, 4:40am. TW560 is fully charged, about 14°C and a sliver of dawn forming on the horizon. although i am used to long-distance >450kms day-long drives on our tours, we seldomly go over 300kms/day. View > rosenthal in a larger map above is the route i will […]

TW560@TWIKE HQ > visiting fine mobile

since i’ve got much more time on my hands nowadays, i’ve arranged to visit fine mobile, the TWIKE manufacturer june 6-7, 2013. for months now, fine’s marketing department and i have been corresponding on what can be communicated on new developments, options for current TWIKE models and so forth. i felt that i was necessary to see for myself how TWIKE’s are assembled and what status TWIKE 5 has and maybe get a rare glimpse into the design process of this new vehicle. first and foremost, this visit will be for me personally. however, since i am also vice-president of […]

a few days in southern styria > back home to switzerland

after arriving late the day before – we are greeted with beautiful weather today. every year we rent the same house for my extended austrian family. this ensures that we meet at least once a year in southern styria which is about the same distance for everyone except us coming from switzerland. i feel very at home here. my kids and wife have come to share my love for this beautiful part of our planet – in this post i will try to convey some impressions, but, alas, there will be no substitute for you, dear reader, other than come […]

vienna > styria via hungary and slovenia

i get up pretty early to avoid any undue delays because of vienna commuter-traffic and make some distance early, since today’s trip will be at least 357kms. already very early on i see long lines of cars on their way into vienna – hardly any vehicle is heading towards the leithagebirge and the neusiedler lake. then i was treated to a very, very nice sunrise! this romantic setting, however, does not last for long. getting closer to the neusiedler lake means that humidity rises, too. soon i hit a bank of thick fog and the already meager number of °C […]

switzerland > vienna … nice to be back again

finally, again, tw560 and i are on our way back to vienna. my family will be in austria for a week riding horses somewhere outside schladming – this gives me some time to stay with my relatives in vienna for the weekend, work out of my vienna office and then head onwards to southern styria. saturday morning oct, 13, i load the TW560 with all the stuff i need to survive until oct21, when i’m going to be back home. did i mention i really like the appenzell region? picture perfect and postcard-like landscapes – incredible! after arriving in feldkirch, […]

looking forward to hungary, slovenia … and styria!

View vienna > southern styria in a larger map this saturday, TW560 and i are heading back to vienna again. i’ll be staying with the austrian part of my family in vienna on sunday, and working out of my vienna office monday and make a quick dash out to zurich and back to vienna on tuesday. then, i shall be back in my proverbial mobile office on my way to southern styria. on thursday evening, friday and saturday i’ll be buying wines, eating good food and spending some quality time with my wife and kids in a very, very nice […]

TWIKE alps challenge 2012

TWIKE swiss alps challenge 2012 – announced here on this site’s sidebar for some time, was a brainwave i had during my last longer TWIKE trip to southern spain this year. initially, i was planning to test if it was possible to cross the swiss alps with 6.5kWh worth of energy and then see how far i could make it on one charge. my estimate was that if i could make it to the entrance of the gotthard tunnel with about 850Wh left, i could make it to the italian part of switzerland and coast down to ambri or even […]

2nd leg of TDE2012 is over!

TW231 has made it safely back to switzerland. after 5052kms and 231 (sic!) kWh, TDE2012 is over. happy to have been part of this great trip! some impressions of the last leg in the gallery below. a presentation on this trip will be held at one of the TWIKEklub gatherings – most probably 16nov12, in dättlikon, switzerland not been part of the whole trip yet? why not read from the start here!

TDE2012 – slight change of plan

room availability at the french coast is very bad due to french vacation season kicking in at full force. jc will no longer drive to la rochelle, france, but instead will drive from bordeaux direction north west until he meets the red line again.