I have been invited to speak about e-mobility and join a podium discussion late January 2025.
Besides me two other Swiss EV heavy-weights are going to be presenting –
Christoph Erni, CEO of Juice Technologies, a charging solution provider – best known for the Juice Booster portable charging station.
Martin Kyburz, CEO of Kyburz Switzerland AG, Maker of the iconic Swiss Post (and others) delivery vehicles and the fun eRod electric minimalist roadster
My presentation aims at showing up how far we’ve come in 20 years – I’ll be speaking about how we were the first family far and wide in 2005 to no longer have any ICE car – but two EV’s! And what challenges we were facing then when thinking about traveling with our vehicles.
I’ll finish up by attempting to extrapolate into the future.
The event is free – if you feel like coming: you’re most welcome! Also, there will be an Apèro follwing the discussions.