Repairs: Charging cable

Whilst I was dismantling the AK Rail for my recent yearly battery pack balancing, I noticed a grave problem that needed attention immediately. The main cable via which the TWIKE is charged 98% of the time showed grave signs of wear. I really don’t understand how this could have happened – I’m just very glad that I caught it in time. It puzzles me that both ends were without insulation, not only the cable but also close to the crimped connector. The phase cable was partially burnt… but not where the cable was already weakened? Queue the music and lets […]

2023 Battery Pack Balancing

As every year, when the first warm days of pre-summer beckon, I feel the itch of taking TW560 on a long one-day-trip. Part of such an one-day-trip is typically charging the pack to the maximum 4.22V per cell, unlike the usual 3.8V for everyday use, and then drive the pack to the self-imposed minimum cell cut-off voltage of 3.0V. This works very well and is no issue if the pack’s many cells are all well balanced and at the same voltage. Since my TWIKE does not have any active cell balancing or thermal management (for weight and full-pack cut off […]

Repairs: Wood console restoration

It’s time to tackle a new project: last year’s display restoration entry hinted at me wanting to start the process of restoring the main console and other wooden parts in my TWIKE. Using wood as the main working material for all the visible console and control surfaces and casings seems like a good and sustainable idea. 23 years later, the wood is showing the strains of being exposed to bitter Swiss winters at -26°C and scorching heat. The wood is splintering and breaking and all my attempts to keep the wood clean and in oread about the repairne piece were […]

ChatGPT x TWIKE: What have you learnt?

I was interested to learn what ChatGPT thought about and what the main takeaways for the model were – here we go: Tell me what you’ve learned from looking at After reviewing, I’ve learned a lot about the TWIKE electric vehicle and its history, design, and performance. The website provides comprehensive information about the TWIKE’s features, including its lightweight construction, low energy consumption, and high efficiency. It also highlights the vehicle’s impressive track record, including numerous awards and records for its performance and energy efficiency. One of the most interesting things I learned about the TWIKE is […]

Hello 2023

As every year, this entry is a longer retro for 2022 with more than just TWIKE-related topics. It has taken long to create this entry as I’ve been mostly living and working in Singapore since October 2022 and at times only travelling back to Switzerland for a few days before returning to Asia again. My days are unfortunately are quite busy and I’ve nothing TWIKE-related to report as my TWIKE and I are separated by continents and the tragedy going on in Ukraine. The good news is that TW560 didn’t have any major technical issues throughout 2022. Following maintenance was […]