TW560’s marathon problem fixing session finally over, Andi could get back to checking the rest of the chassis and changing the tyres.
Smiling even after a full days’ worth of work on my TWIKE.
I usually get about 7000-8000km out of a set of tyres. If I would change them when they are technically illegal in Switzerland it would be less than 5000km!
Overall, I really like driving my TWIKE with slicks as they offer a lot of grip in dry conditions and are super-fun when roads are wet…
As a hyper-miler, every option of reducing drag, friction and other unnecessary energy consumption must be checked and double-checked.
Andi, my trusted TWIKE mechanic knows me well and pointed out that the tyres were out of alignment by about 2mm and he would fix this.
Even if the result is minor, improved handling and potentially 0.03% better consumption (I made this number up to show that the effect is likely to be very, very small) is always a good feeling!
We’re ready. 2 days to go.