Everyone needs a break from time to time. Same for us – after 5 Days on the road, we decided yesterday that we would add an additional – drive free – day in Diano Marina.

Instead of a travelogue, today, just some impressions of what we were up to. (Add a generous afternoon siesta for me).

Stepping out of our hotel, yet another beautiful day.
Stepping out of our hotel, yet another beautiful day.

A walk along the beach, then drive to Diano Marina old town.

9.40am > early morning in Italy
9.40am > early morning in Italy

Diaro, old town
Diaro, old town

We then decide to have our hair cut and be shaved.

Old school and a dying profession. I love having a professional shave.
Old school and a dying profession. I love having a professional shave.

JC gets the same treatment
JC gets the same treatment

Go back to the beach… it’s still really quiet there. (First wave of tourists start arriving next week)

Everything is ready for the tourists
Everything is ready for the tourists

...When they've arrived
…When they’ve arrived

Around (Italian) lunchtime, I head towards a Pizzeria and get myself some to go (and eat at the beach)

Pizza al taglio - my favourite
Pizza al taglio – my favourite

Stay at the beach, soak in some sun. (It’s been raining all week in Switzerland and I’ve become quite reluctant to send my family any blue-sky pictures)

So, this is why I am posting the following picture for all those stuck in this week’s awful weather:

You can get wet feet in Italy, too.
You can get wet feet in Italy, too.

For dinner, we drive to the nearby town of Cervo. It’s difficult to describe how nice the place is. Please make the effort to come yourself – you will love it!

Sitting atop a hill, its medieval layout means everything is built-up very close to each other. At the same time, residents of Cervo have understood that they must offer something of interest to tourists, make them feel comfortable and keep them engaged.

Many very nice small shops and B&B besides one of the best Osterias in the region are proof and made a very lasting impression on us both.

Cervo city entrance
Cervo city entrance

Cervo, house entrance
Cervo, house entrance

Everything is built up super-close to each other
Everything is built up super-close to each other

Medieval sizing - not even a TWIKE would fit.
Medieval sizing

After eating some very fine food and drinking a bottle of local wine, we return to our hotel – relaxed and ready for new TWIKE adventures!

TDAF2016 - Day 6 GPS track
TDAF2016 – Day 6 GPS track

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