saturday morning about 35 TWIKEs converged towards a nature reserve lodge near flaach in northern switzerland for the twike club yearly general assembly.

our agenda was pretty simple
- visit the “thurauen” nature reserve
- eat lunch
- general assembly
- my presentation on our participation at WAVE india
- eat fresh asparagus at a nearby asparagus farm (yum!)
first we headed out to the nature reserve with some rangers and were shown some interesting plants and animals which have chosen this rather beatiful spot to be their habitat.

i really appreciated the opportunity and will certainly be back with my kids for some more discovering.
then we headed back to the nature parc center for lunch and general assembly – i really like the sight when for miles ahead the only vehicle on the road are TWIKEs 🙂

then, after lunch, the serious business of a general assembly. 75 members of the club reviewed last year’s activities, i was responsible to report on the club’s finances. then, we decided on the 2012 budget and projects to be worked on.
one of the last parts was my being unanimously voted as vice president of the twike club > nice!
then it was my turn presenting tw560’s wave2011 adventure. instead of using the time-tested slideshow format, i chose to structure my presentation along topics and questions which could be of interest to the people watching the presentation and might not even know anything about the wave.
embedded here is the exact presentation i held – you will need about 1.4-1.8 gig memory for this presentation, downloading the images however will not take long and you may start the presentation at any time without waiting for the download to finish.
to start and jump forward – just click the little black arrow…
everyone was impressed and liked the presentation. i was very happy to see louis, annemarie, walther and paul in the crowd, too. they had decided to attend just because of my presentation > thank you for coming, guys!
dinner with freshly cut and cooked asparagus was very tasty (since it is a very seasonal vegetable, i really look forward to them becoming available – and eating at the farm itself ensures that they come as fresh as they get!) and offered the opportunity to chat with many people which had lots of questions regarding the wave and how we survived the roads there…
much, much later, i drove back home, very happy to have met so many like-minded people again.