TW231 has made it safely back to switzerland. after 5052kms and 231 (sic!) kWh, TDE2012 is over. happy to have been part of this great trip! some impressions of the last leg in the gallery below. a presentation on this trip will be held at one of the TWIKEklub gatherings – most probably 16nov12, in dättlikon, switzerland not been part of the whole trip yet? why not read from the start here!
TDE2012 – slight change of plan
room availability at the french coast is very bad due to french vacation season kicking in at full force. jc will no longer drive to la rochelle, france, but instead will drive from bordeaux direction north west until he meets the red line again.
TDE2012 continues! > jc has arrived at the atlantic ocean
after another 1300kms, jc has arrived in gijon, northern spain. below some of the pictures jc uploaded from the trip. from here he will continue towards la rochelle, france > see the map below for details on his route. View TDE2012, 2nd leg in a larger map
TDE2012 – first technical problem
jc texted me > “have technical problem, am in albacete, call me pls” just a few seconds into our 3g-videocall it was clear what had went wrong… the pedal de-coupling mechanism has failed. in this state, the TWIKE can only go forwards, not backwards, since the backwards movement with the pedals engaged will mimic braking and eventually completely block the TWIKE > jc was at exactly this point – the TWIKE was completely blocked and he was unable to get it going without help. there is a temporary fix for this: manually de-couple the pedals using a large screwdriver and drive […]
where our electricity comes from…
being in spain, not renting, but rather owning an apprartment affords me with some perks other people don’t have when they come as tourists… first of all, i, usually, at the end of july, get to participate at a property owners’ meeting where very important issues such as the change of the parking entry gate (after 18 years use) is discussed. on the other side, however, i get to open the utility bills which have been accumulating during the year. my wife was here in march, sometimes we spend a week or so in autumn in spain, too. at any […]
TDE2012 – 2nd leg has started!
thursday, jc has departed on the next leg of TDE 2012 this is his next stage: TDE2012, 2nd leg auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen you may click on the link to enter a fully zoomable map version. GPS tracking is active and you may see jc’s current location at the right at any time!
TDE2012 – a few days off
quick update on TDE2012. cruizing around alicante and creating quite a stir anywhere we go. JC & I have been planning the next leg of TDE2012 > a map with the exact route will be posted here shortly. jc is staying until thursday and then will head up north towards the atlantic. the GPS tracker will be active, so the global positioning page and location badge on the first page will be accurate during the next few weeks. jc will send me photos and videos and i will publish them here. text-wise, however, there will be less content… i’m looking […]
TDE2012 – day9 – TDE2012’s first leg over! el font de la figuera > alicante
we depart from la font de la figuera – very aware that this is the last stage of TDE2012 with Andrew and JC driving together, but more on that later. the blue line takes us, yet again, from hilltop to hilltop. one thing we’re sure of is: today we will end up at 0 metres – sea level. heading towards Alicante we take a wrong turn (since the smartphone had already overheated again and was temporarily cooling) and headed down from our 900metres towards jijona. jijona is the home of 1880 turron and delicious jijconeca ice cream. so this is […]
TDE2012 Day 8 – 45°C, FIRE & heat! Rincon > La Font de la Figuera
after a very nice cup of tea with some toast and home made jam we head – yet again – towards a nature reserve and some promising climbs. even though it is still early, we immediately notice that today will be much hotter than the other days. after just 20kms, we arrive at a larger, flat valley with some rather high hills in the distance. the hills look odd, since normally they are beige with some dark green spots. these hills, however, are dark! as we come closer, we see what happened to these hills: wildfires! everything, and I mean […]
TDE2012 day 7 – back to the nature reserves: mas de barberans > rincons
we leave quite early – on our way out of the village, we wave good-bye to the people who helped us the day before. such a small place! one lane roads winding through the village barely wide enough for the TWIKE and everyone knows everyone > better not be in trouble with any of your neighbours > they are about 2.5 metres away from your front window! just as we leave the village behind us, we get our first glimpse of the sea in the distance. there is still a lot of dust in the air and would it not […]