2 (..3) days in the vogese alps – Day2

after sleeping well in very nice and comfortable rooms, jc and i are looking forward to a further day of relaxing and travelling twike-style. if you haven’t read the first day, why not click here? we’re the first ones to eat breakfast. although it is still wet and grey outside, the view from our chalet is still stunning. i must come back sometime in summer! we settle our modest bill and set out on the second leg of our trip. View two-day trip in a larger map weather conditions deteriorate quickly and whilst already being grey and cold, us climbing […]

2 (..3) days in the vogese alps – Day1

it’s been a while since jc and i have travelled together in TW560. since i’ve started a new job this year, currently, things are much less flexible as they were before. this is why jc and i have been planning just a few days away – not too far but still somewhere we’ve either not been for 20+ years (me) or not at all (jc). our choice fell on the vogese mountains – a mountain range northwest of basle between mulhouse, strassbourg and belfort. i crossed the vogese mountains more than 20 years ago on my motorbike (on my way […]

charge points – why accept the profane?

ahh. i like our local utilities! charging points are getting more and more interesting! here two of the more interesting ones i’ve encountered lately: one of the best charge points for zurîch city: a charge point fully covered in fake grass! surprise whilst parking at the marriott zurich… wasn’t listed at lemnet.org. i liked the flowers and the plastic lawn carpet! (still, it’s just a copycat installation 🙂 what next?

A beautiful day ahead…what to do?

Imagine: A saturday – my family fully booked with horse riding and shooting, weather forcast superb for all of switzerland… I decide to leave bright and early to drive wherever TW560 takes me. although i started out as random as possible, arriving in chur gave me just a limited choice of places to go. therefore, i decided to do this trip in the opposite direction, without the passes, since they were still covered in snow. i took the motorway, since i wanted to move away from where i usually am as fast as possible. then, slowly, my battery was quite […]

my commute to work

just wanted to let you know how my everyday trip to work looks like! i’m very happy to live in switzerland! this is the view i am treated to every day. (in case of good weather, that is!)

repairs – work in progress

another quick update: TW560 is back on the road! feeling very lucky that my insurance paid for most of the damage. also, thomas did some pretty amazing work on the outer hull – most of the bits an pieces found were put back into place. below are a few pictures showing what has to be done. tw560 was treated to a new battery bay – very nice, but my favourite sticker is gone, too! ah, let’s see if i can find another one – my favourite statement! as a last touch, thomas replaced my current tyres with my favourite summer […]

IEC type 2 for TW560

remember us lamenting the unavailability of a reliable solution to connect to IEC Type2 socket – to allow for a tri-phase charge of at least one TWIKE, better two. well, finally, TW560 gets it’s type2 plug. there are multiple ways how to make this work. i downloaded the official documents from mennekes and combined the info with some of the ideas floating around on the internet. the hardware was bought in china and assembled at home. initially, i had a short cable with the release switch close to the mennekes plug. now, my solution has a longer cable with the […]

damage assessment

one day after my catastrophic rim failure, TW560 arrives at möckli elektrofahrzeuge. thomas mails me a few pictures and lets me know that this time repairs will not come cheap! let’s have a quick look, shall we? one of the first things to be subjected to abrasion is the battery bay. TW560’s battery bay wasn’t in a good shape in the first place: first rim failure and … obviously my 3 weeks in india. furthermore, a very expensive part of TW560 has had enough: the plexi hood. they are not being produced anymore and replacing it will mean sourcing some […]

check your rims, often!

last thursday evening, on my way home, TW560 experienced a major problem: a rim broke whilst going around a corner at about 55 km/h. it was a harrowing experience. first of all, a big bang. then loss of most maneuverability. after that, VERY ugly splintering and scraping sounds coming from behind whilst trying to break and trying not crash into some containers just a few metres away. after what seemed an eternity, TW560 came to a shuddering halt. i stayed in the TWIKE for a few seconds to draw some deep breaths and then got out. what i saw hurt […]

water & dirt everywhere

does your TWIKE suddenly take on massive amounts of water? is the foot well carpet always wet? …i might have a hint for you 🙂 first of all: take out the carpet! then, have a look around! aha! the culprit! an emergency stop pushed back the front wheel suspension as far as to crack the front assembly panel. all the water coming off the wheel went directly into the interior! the solution: silicone! clean out the dirt, hang up the carpets to dry and get your trusted and seasoned co-pilot to visit you and help with the repairs! being able […]