left early from hyderabad. instead of heading straight to the motorway, we first went to see an old fort – the detour definitely was worth it! another iconic picture for TWIKE in india!
then, after days of backbreaking roads, we finally emerge on a perfect motorway! just for the fun of it, i accelerate to 98kph gps and – whoooooha – this does feel good!

today i’ve got a different co-pilot for the first stage:

we start munching up the kilometers. after an hour or so, we pull over to have some breakfast and chai’s.

then we’re back on the road, heading to our first college.

then we’re back on the beautiful hyderabad-bangalore highway.

after another good 120kms, we are nearly out of juice and still need to manage some less perfect roads…

but it is a really nice thing to be able to present some young school kids some technology that might inspire them to do something for the greater good sometime in the future.

then, we head to the next school, which means we need to travel again on some rather bad roads – the TWIKE’s suspension is really hard and therefore such a road is quite bad for both chassis and backs!

we arrive at the next school and are invited to interact with the students there. it is always overwhelming when 100’s of kids stand around the TWIKE and all ask questions at the same time!

finally, at dusk, we can make our way back to the hotel.

and as always, although everyone says “no problem” all cars can charge, the electrical installation is completely inadequate and we need to fight for every amp we can pull. interestingly enough, the resident electrician gave the manager our battery capacity as a basis for calculation of a price for charging overnight. the TWIKE now packs a whopping 100kWh!! (instead of the 6.6kWh it has in reality)
good night!
Great job!
Really enjoyed meeting you all at IISc today in Bangalore.
Well done in your expedition to raise awareness.