A new theme! More focus on photos – plus: finally, a responsive site for mobile devices!
This blog has been on the internet for nearly 11 years now. All the details how and why this blog exists can be found here.
Even though I had been already blogging in the mid-nineties (!), starting the blog in 2011 meant a full new start, complete with choosing the blog software, which in the 90’s didn’t exist and discovering which features were important to me.
The choice fell on WordPress due to its configurability, extensibility and ease of use.
After 2 months, I felt that WordPress’ standard 2011 theme wasn’t very attractive and decided to upgrade my site with a new, premium theme.

After some configuration and tweaking, the site launched with the new visual design, which I still like very much –

that said, I was getting worried about my WP instance, as more and more weird issues started to arise: activating comments would crash a page and all navigation, jetpack stopped working and started showing strange error messages, forms would take messages but would not send any message or store these messages for me, etc.
Also, the fixed width of the blog roll, small image sizes and missing mobile theme, combined with a more than lackluster performance of my (not-to-be-named) former hoster (ah, those were the days, when I used to host emissionless.ch in my own basement! and was able to achieve stellar availability and throughput to web-clients!) did eventually force me to look around for a new hoster and a way to migrate the content to a new WP instance without taking all the corrupted parts to the new host.
It will take time to get used to WP’s new block editor. Currently, the editor feels like just another layer of nannying and I don’t feel like it’s making my workflow any quicker than before – quite the contrary.
The new theme, a minimal blog theme is clean and focused on images. Going through the entries and how the pictures were sized, for example showed that there are lots of issues that need fixing. Dead links, images linked to outside resources such as flicker and others. Even if this will take time, I’m committed to invest the time and fix the site and all resources.
This current version of the site is not yet fully cleaned up – anywhere you see small images in-line…well this is where I’ve not yet been able to fix the problems!
I hope you like the new theme, faster page loads thanks to my new hosting company and are looking forward to the next TWIKE adventures!