A few days after arriving back from TDP2021, I brought TW560 to Andi from Ksenotek for some post-TDP2021 TLC.
I know that there are some things that need urgent attention, such as the breaking system, the tyres and the main axle on the right hand side. Plus, whatever else Portugal’s cobblestone streets haven’t broken yet…
Another few days later, Andi sent me following video – (activate subtitles if necessary)
Ah. that was the vibration I felt on the motorway!
I always want to learn more – this is why I usually take the time to set up my office at Ksenotek and let Andi work until the crucial moments come up where I’m ready to take pictures and learn how to repair specific things on my TWIKE – today’s challenge being the main drive axle.

As I’ve always stated: Check your rims, often!
Both rims have 6 spokes:
Left wheel – 3 spokes fully broken, 2 spokes 2/3 cracked – this is as bad as it gets
Right wheel – 3 spokes fully broken, 1 spoke 2/3 cracked – a worthy runner-up

Fortunately, I’m one of the only TWIKE pilots with a stash of old-new rims that I purchased 5 years ago. Anyone else is forced to go for the horrible, horrible Smart-sized fat-tyre solution TWIKE GmbH has come up with. It messes with the original vehicle setup and destroys any hope for the kind of low consumption I am able to get out of my TWIKE.
Inside the wobbly wheel things are not looking good.

After replacing both rims, both main ball bearings, one main axle and replacing all tyres, we’re ready to put everything back together!

TWIKE adventure
Tadaa – I’m ready for another 25k and another TWIKE adventure!