After arriving in Terni, we’re ready for a week of time-off, Italian-style! We live with our friends whilst our kids live distributed across town with their grown-up children or stay with the extended family.
Most of our days consist of sitting at long tables and eating fabulous food or visiting other parts of the family – very relaxing.

With Covid Lockdown1 over, most of public services are back – with the hot weather we’re loving the fact that we have a swimming pool just around the corner from where we live! We spent a few afternoons here.

Our kids, however, had access to a Jacuzzi and a private pool. Quite luxurious and even with a nice view!

As always – there is more food and more time spent together chatting, discussing, debating, eating, drinking. Days go by in a hurry.

Since no one from my own family has been to Rome yet, we’ve planned a family day in Rome. My kids are going to stay overnight in an apartment in the city centre which belongs to the extended family will allow them to experience an additional day in Rome.

Ready, steady, Go!
We make our way to Rome early morning in order to have a full day together. We park at the apartment which thankfully comes with parking spaces!
The day itself is just perfect! A deep blue sky with temperatures to match.
Time to take the family to the most important sights!

What immediately becomes apparent is the lack of tourists. Nobody is here. No sellers and just a very small amount of Romans frequenting their beloved bars and restaurants.
Instead of having to wade through the usual throngs of people, today we can just stroll up to any landmark and take pictures without anyone in the frame – weird and novel at the same time!

Rome is almost devoid of EV’s and the charging infrastructure looks like it’s never being used.
A breath of fresh air was the i3 being used to patrol the vatican.

Us parents head back home whilst our kids stay on for another day and some more fun in Rome.

Time flies with our friends – we’re invited to someone virtually every afternoon and evening.

Covid is being treated seriously in Italy. Tradition too. This means that you may – under no circumstances – enter a bar without a mask. However, when you’re at the counter 10seconds later, you can remove said mask to drink your coffee and enjoy your cornetto. 😉

Our last day in Terni has arrived – we will be heading to Lucca tomorrow.
To see us off, we were invited to an Italian pick-nic above Terni for a very last meal together. Very grateful to have all these friends here and have been able to keep in contact for decades! Going to be missing them immediately.

Good night!