Today, finally, after years of me promising Marta that I’d visit Terni by TWIKE and her being really insistent wanting to try driving TW560 … finally we both found the time and … off we went!

This is a very short entry as our focus was on driving and not necessarily on the destination. 🙂

Marta decided that we should drive to a small town perched on top of a small hill – Montefalco. I knew Montefalco before – their DOC wines are very drinkable and are usually not available outside Umbria. (no surprise – small amounts of wine and very good quality – more on that later)

I meet up with Marta at her parents place early morning and make our way out of Terni up the hills towards Perugia. It’s been over a year we haven’t seen each other – this is why our first hour or so was all about catching up before me telling her about the various aspects of the TWIKE.

After around 2 hours we arrive at Montefalco’s main square.

Main square
Main square

As usual, TW560 looks very much at home here – small square, small vehicle – perfect match.

Very visible
Very visible


Parking TW560 on the main square
Parking TW560 on the main square

Happy with where the TWIKE is parked and having answered multiple people’s questions about the TWIKE, we finally get to explore Montefalco. As with all these Umbrian towns, you always get a feeling you’re walking through living history. I’d love to have much more time to explore these places or even live here to do so.

Old town of Montefalco
Old town of Montefalco

It’s a very small town – within some 100’s of metres you can see all the views in all directions:

View to the north
View to the north


View to the west
View to the west


View to the north
View to the north

There are some churches here – we casually glance at various structures…

A church in Montefalco
A church in Montefalco

but there is something more pressing thing on our minds:


One of the restaurants in Montefalco
One of the restaurants in Montefalco


Customers wanted - even without prior experience
Customers wanted – even without prior experience

Marta then takes us to the Restaurant she chose and booked for the occasion – we get to eat very local, so-called zero-km dishes: all sourced within a few km from montefalco. We’re both firmly in the LOHAS target group! Since I have a designated pilot for the drive back, I get a glass of the finest Montefalco wine – always a treat since it is relatively rare to get some at all, I enjoy the dark red with our home-made pasta after our starter. Very good, indeed!

In any case: we’re having a good time and Marta is getting ready for her first drive in a TWIKE…

We both know how to enjoy life
We both know how to enjoy life

After a very tasty lunch it’s time for Marta to finally get ‘behind’ TW560’s steering yoke and try it for herself.

In short, it was a lot of fun! She took to water like a duck and just went with the flow. Within a few minutes we were driving like as if she had been piloting the TWIKE for years – super relaxed and confident.

Marta, happy after her first drive with TW560
Marta, happy after her first drive with TW560

Another TWIKE disciple in the making? 😉

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