i love bumper stickers!
they are perfect to convey political messages, affiliations or hobbies.
not really a thing in europe, i really like the choice available online.
for many years i had my trusted “hybrids are for pussies”-sticker, which i got from a SUV-drivers’ association page.
classic! but there is a twist: since a twike, technically, *is* a hybrid, the sticker might be just a little bit misleading.
since my rim failure last year and subsequent repair attempts (…and bringing everything back to its former glory) tw560 was on the road without any stickers, since i had to replace the black battery bay cover.

my last shopping spree included stickers like the one below.
but, now, three years later, none really felt like they were just right – i’m no longer trying to educate!
i wanted to be spot-on.
this is why i went on a wonderous journey of discovery on some (mostly american) bumper sticker websites – let me show you some examples i came across! 🙂

not everything i found was ouside the scope of emissionless.ch:

and our last item is a very interesting concept:

after much deliberation i decided to buy another sticker from the same guy that designed the “you’re sitting in the problem” sticker.
it felt just right, a statement – not a message. everything TWIKE’ing is about!