after starting the task of replacing my front windscreen after an act of vandalism – maya sent me a selection of pictures to get an idea of the complexity of the task at hand and the progress she was making.
it really feels good to know how things are coming along. i thought this info might be of interest…
TW560’s windscreen replacement – the world’s LAST NEW TWIKE plexi windscreen.
oversized screen glued
oversized screen glued, side view
new hood glued and setting
the hood needs some time to dry.
hood ready to be cut to form
plexi after sanding
hood after sanding – side view
after cutting – side view
doggy QA ๐
raw edge after sawing
the hood, ready for TW560
hood after glueing – still too big
all sides sanded down
preparations for mounting the windshield > centre column padding
full size plexi, ready to be cut
my hood – the main project for the TWIKEstation
peeling back the protective cover
just after sawing off the overlap – raw cut
insides sanded down – ready for some glue
sanded back, ready for some work on the details
ready to dry
peeling back the protective cover, part one
continued doggy-QA ๐
all set for some sanding.
TW560’s new hood drying
applying the centre column padding
13 year old NEW windscreen
perfect allignment of wiper motor and windscreen
oversized screen glued
oversized screen glued, side view
new hood glued and setting
the hood needs some time to dry.
after cutting – side view
hood after sanding – side view
plexi after sanding
hood ready to be cut to form
hood after glueing – still too big
the hood, ready for TW560
raw edge after sawing
doggy QA ๐
all sides sanded down
insides sanded down – ready for some glue
preparations for mounting the windshield > centre column padding