not much to say for today. theoretically a day off from the WAVE, however we’ve got a big press conference ready for us at the hyderabad air pollution control centre. the WAVE has been partly incorporated in some sort of carbon credit race…
TWIKE and all drive there, jean-claude takes charge of all TWIKE-related press activities, whilst i stay at the room to work. with a decent up- and downlink via HSDPA / WiFi.

work keeps piling up and i somehow only get back out of the room for a quick snack.
finally, at about midnight, i’m able to turn off the computer with all urgent matters taken care of.
did i already mention i am really impressed with today’s technology? vpn’s and all are bread and butter for me – a clever forwarding cascade makes receiving calls to my swiss mobile in switzerland in india on my indian sim really cheap > 7cents/min instead of 2€ per minute. if somehow possible i take my calls per sip via the net and there the cost is $0 0€ 0CHF, or whatever currency you fancy. 🙂
outgoing calls from the net are masked as calls originating from my mobile.
up until now, nobody has an inkling that i am physically 5000 km away from home, travelling through rural india!
namaste new brave world!